Figuring Up the Chances of Getting the Card You Want in Poker

It is actually easier than you think to determine your own chances of getting the card you need in poker. With a little simple algebra, you can quickly access the odds of getting the card you want so you will know whether to bet large, bet small, or fold during game play.

Getting One Card

Let's look at an example. Let us say that it is after the flop and you need a Heart in order to beat your opponent. Seven cards are currently in play, and there are two Hearts in your hand and two Hearts on the board. Because there are 13 cards of each suit, you have 9 Hearts in the deck. There are 45 available cards, so this means that you have a 20% chance of getting your card; not bad odds, by the way.

Moving On

So, let's say you did not get your Heart at the turn and your only other chance to get that Heart you need is at the river. There are 44 cards left in the deck now, so the answer is a 20.4% chance. If you can quickly calculate these odds while you are playing poker, you will understand how likely it is for you to get the cards you need and, therefore, whether to go for it or not. Sure, poker is still a game of chance, but knowing the odds can certainly help.

Remember, there are a few simple things you need to know in order to calculate your chances of getting the card you want. Knowing the number of cards in each suit, the number of cards in a deck, how many of the suit you need is on the board and how many total cards are left in the available deck are all important factors.


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